OMEGA Seamaster 600
166.077 “Ploprof”


The present watch is in excellent overall condition.

It has been produced in 1979, which seems to be the very last year of production for this model, and makes it particularly interesting.



About this watch

The present watch is in excellent overall condition.

It has been produced in 1979, which seems to be the very last year of production for this model, and makes it particularly interesting.


Watchfid Score

9,3 / 10

About the Model

Omega’s PloProf a name derived from the French for professional diver “Plongeur Professionnel” was released in 1971, following four years of research and development including consulting with COMEX and Jacques Cousteau.

Where other brands sought to release the Helium from the case, Omega wanted to develop a watch that would keep the Helium from entering the case in the first place.

The PloProf was a monobloc case in stainless steel with a locking system to secure the square-shaped setting and winding crown and intricate gasket system of interlocking parts that the crystal rested on.

The bi-directional bezel could only be moved through the red release button to the right side of the case, which prevented accidental movement of the bezel.

About the Brand

Services Included

Watchfid Certification Report: Yes

The purpose of this document is to determine whether the constituent parts of the watch are conform to the model reference /period or not, and to value their condition and importance.

Watchfid Digital Certificate: Yes

All the watches are provided with a digital certificate (the Watchfid-ID), that will be uploaded on your protected and anonymous digital wallet.

Watchfid Appraisal Book: Yes

This document presents each watch in the most objective and detailed manner possible, thanks to a substantiated analysis, high-resolution photos designed to highlight all elements of the watch and an innovative rating system. Available in printed and digital versions.

Extract of Archives: Yes

On request and when available, an extract of the archives from the manufacturer can be obtained.


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